Mandi is 200 km away From Chandigarh, The Distance between Delhi Mandi is 475 Kms. Nearest Airport IS Kullu which is 55 Kms from Mandi. Mandi is also known as Center point Of Himachal Pradesh and Commercial Capital of Himachal Pradesh Mandi Caters to 5 Districts Of District Of Himachal Pradesh i.e Kullu and Manali, Ham- pirpur, Baillaspur and Kangra.
There are more Than 100 Colleges (Govt. and Private) In Mandi, Kullu and Manali, Billaspur, Hamirpur Beside This More Than 10 Private Universities are Operating this Region. Beside this more then 100 C.B.S.E. and I.C.S.E. Schools are operatives